Get Qualified Scheme

The Get Qualified scheme is an initiative that supports the personal development of individuals for the achievement of qualifications and certifications required by industry.

The incentive is applicable to individuals following a course of studies which leads to a certification, diploma, degree or postgraduate degree course. Upon successful completion, the student will benefit from a tax credit enabling them to recover part of the costs incurred.

View applicable courses

Once successful, students receive up to 70% of the total fees paid in the form of tax credits.
Please contact the Academy team to assist you with any other queries you may have.

Skills Development Scheme

The Skills Development Scheme from Malta Enterprise supports businesses in providing training focused on developing a knowledge-based workforce by:

  • developing and updating the skills and knowledge of their workforce
  • training new employees to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to perform effectively
  • addressing skills shortages
  • facilitate re-skilling and address skill mismatches

Eligibility Criteria

The scheme is open for all employers. The support is primarily intended as a tax credit yet the Corporation may approve support as a cash grant or a mix of both. Support approved may cover up to 70% of the cost of training including the wages of trainees for the time dedicated to receiving training.


Training qualifying for this scheme need to fulfill any of the below criteria:

1. training that leads to the acquisition of skills, knowhow or knowledge directly related to the business operations of the applicant undertaking and the development of the current and future function of the trainees within the organisation;

2. training provided to non-Maltese employees to support them in learning the Maltese language and culture;

3. training in the use of digital technologies, digital communications, cyber security, and other topics related to digitisation;

4. training on improving the applicant’s position vis-a-vis Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance practices.


Other conditions that must be fulfilled for the training to be eligible for funding under this scheme:

The Corporation may support training delivered by:

a) other employees of the beneficiary;

b) employees of related enterprises;

c) external experts (2); (2) For training to be delivered by external experts the Corporation may request the Applicant to confirm that such training is not and may not be supported by other public organisation such as Jobsplus Corporation. Support for training provided by external experts should first be requested through JobsPlus and requested from ME only if it is rejected.


Training must be split into training modules. Each training module should have a duration of at least eight (8) hours and should be delivered to at least 5 employees

Only 1 programme in a (3) three-month period may be submitted.
The Applicant must identify clear learning outcomes to be achieved from the training and establish a methodology on how the attainment of these outcomes will be measured at the end of the session(s).

Team building activities and training which focuses on corporate culture, values, organisational behaviour, brand identity and similar company focused actions specific to the employer are not covered by this measure.

Form of Aid

Malta Enterprise shall provide support in relation to the following costs:

a)Wage costs of trainees, covering direct contact hours during which the trainer and trainee are interacting as part of an approved training programme, whether this is delivered physically or online.

b) Wage costs of trainers, covering direct contact hours during which the trainer is delivering the training irrespective of whether the training is delivered physically or online;

c) Hourly costs covering direct contact hours of training provided by an expert engaged to deliver training irrespective of whether the training is delivered physically or online;

d) Air Travel expenses incurred to send trainees to foreign training locations if the training is not available locally and it is more economically feasible than holding the training locally;

e) Air Travel expenses incurred to bring trainers to Malta;

f) Subscription costs to access online training content, including self-learning platforms, provided that such costs are exclusively used for the training project, or are directly related to it, and form part of the training costs charged by the training provider to the beneficiary. Such costs must be linked to a minimum of 16 hours paid study leave or monitored access during which the trainee is to pursue the training.

Wage costs will be calculated on the basis of an hourly rate.

Where training is provided by an external expert and is not charged at an hourly rate, the Corporation shall take note of the number of direct contact hours as specified in the training documentation and shall limit any reimbursement to an hourly rate established as a function of the direct contact hours.

How to Apply

Applications should be submitted at least one (1) month before the start of the training program (i.e. prior to the start of works).

This scheme is open until 31 December 2026 and the application deadline is 30 September 2026.

Application forms are downloaded from the following link

Investing in Skills 2021 – 2027 1st Call

With the ever-evolving landscape in today’s markets, it is necessary for people to constantly update their skills. The Investing in Skills incentive aims to facilitate access towards such training for people working in the Maltese labor market, with a view to increasing productivity and enhancing adaptability. This incentive seeks to increase and/or improve the knowledge and skills of employed persons.

Who is eligible?

This incentive is open to all Maltese entities with the exception of public companies including local councils and government departments. The scheme is applicable to both employers carrying out an economic activity and employers that do not carry out an economic activity.

What actions are eligible?

  • Accredited training between MQF/EQF Levels 1- 5
  • Non-accredited training

A variety of training environment are supported, including:

  • Classroom style training
  • E-learning online training (live)
  • E-learning online training (self-led)
  • Distance learning

What expenditure is eligible?

The Investing in Skills incentive covers the following costs:

  • Trainer/s personal costs such as the hours spent by trainers in training
  • Training operating costs which are related to the training project such as travel expenses 
  • Trainee’s personnel costs for the hours spent in training 
  • A 7% Flat rate on all eligible costs (a to c) will be added to the grant to compensate for general indirect costs

What aid will be awarded?

The maximum contact hours that can be supported are 25 hours per trainee for non-accredited training. In the case of accredited training all the approved contact hours can be supported. There is a capping of 10 trainees per group. 

Funding for trainers’ cost is provided at a rate of €28.25. Funding for trainees’ cost is provided at a rate of €5.55. 

The aid intensity will vary depending on the size of the undertaking:

Size Aid intensity 
Large 50%
Medium  60%
Small & Micro 70%

What is the application process?

This incentive is operated on a first come first served basis. Complete applications must be received within 21 days from the start of training but not later than 7 days before the training starts. Training will only be considered as eligible if it commences once an application has been sent to JobsPlus and an acknowledgement has been issued.

Key dates

31st December 2026 – Last submission subject to the availability of funds

30th June 2027 – Training to be completed

31st August 2027 – Deadline for documents of claims for reimbursement 

How can we help?

With years of experience working with EU funding schemes, our team of professionals in advisory can help you develop solutions to face your challenges and operate more profitably, with the support of our international network. We can assist you in making value-adding decisions by identifying opportunities within your operations and carefully selecting the most suitable funding scheme available to you.

We will also support you throughout the application process. PwC can prepare and compile the content and collate the documentation required as part of the grant scheme application form.

Should you require any further information or have any queries on these schemes, or the support that we offer, including on entity eligibility, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for further guidance.

Digitalise your Business Grant Scheme

The Digitalise Your Business Grant Scheme was issued in order to support SMEs and large corporations in the digitalisation of e-Commerce Websites and Digital Solutions.

Who is eligible?

The scheme is open to micro, small, medium-sized and large enterprises engaged in economic activity, irrespective of their legal form, subject to exclusions.

What actions are eligible?

Eligible actions include digital technologies and related processes in the enterprise in particular hardware, software and other digital solutions to improve their efficiency, productivity and customer experience.

What expenditure is eligible?

i. e-Commerce Website

ii. Digital Solutions

  • Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) and Custom Software
  • Hardware (such as Laptops, Docking Station, Port Replicator, Monitors, Tablets)
  • Analytical Tools (including necessary hardware and software)
  • Cyber Security systems
  • Cloud computing
  • Routers, switches and WIFI related equipment
  • Other hardware and software (identified in the application and not already identified above, which the division may consider eligible under this scheme)
  • Installation including any training costs on the use of the specific item acquired under points above and included in the purchase price of the item in question, and thus from the same provider.

What aid will be awarded?

The aid intensity is set at 50% of the cost for investments in Malta and 60% of the cost for investments in Gozo (up to a maximum grant of €120,000 + an additional 7% flat rate).

What is the application process?

The scheme shall be managed on a demand driven basis. The Measures and Support Division shall issue a public open call (rolling-call) with periodical cut-off dates for interested eligible Undertakings to submit their applications. Following each cut-off date, applications will be assessed and evaluated and eligible applications scoring at least 50% of the selection criteria shall be ranked and grants shall be awarded subject to budget availability.

Key Deadlines

This Scheme shall be administered through an open rolling call with the list of cut-off dates scheduled as follows:

  • Monday, 15 January 2024 – noon
  • Wednesday, 31 January 2024 – noon
  • Thursday, 15 February 2024 – noon
  • Thursday, 29 February 2024 – noon
  • Friday, 15 March 2024 – noon
  • Thursday, 28 March 2024 – noon
  • Monday, 15 April 2024 – noon
  • Tuesday, 30 April 2024 – noon
  • Friday, 17 May 2024 – noon
  • Friday, 31 May 2024 – noon
  • Friday, 14 June 2024 – noon
  • Friday, 28 June 2024 – noon

How can we help?

With years of experience working with EU funding schemes, our team of professionals in advisory can help you develop solutions to face your challenges and operate more profitably, with the support of our international network. We can assist you in making value-adding decisions by identifying opportunities within your operations and carefully selecting the most suitable funding scheme available to you.

We will also support you throughout the application process. PwC can prepare and compile the content and collate the documentation required as part of the grant scheme application form.

Should you require any further information or have any queries on these schemes, or the support that we offer, including on entity eligibility, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for further guidance.

Have questions for us?

Reach out to us and let us know how we can help you.