Learn more about PwC’s Academy Corporate Package

Now more than ever, our fast-changing and increasingly digital world needs forward-thinking finance professionals. People who can innovate and lead positive change wherever they work, who work to the highest professional and ethical standards, and who see the bigger picture.

All industries need forward-thinking finance professionals. So, whether you specialise in the film industry or pharmaceuticals, fast cars or fast food, premium brands or sports, finance and accountancy-qualified professionals will help you get there while making the right impact along the way.

Through a powerful combination of exams, ethics and experience, employees develop the strategic skillset, technical ability and professional mindset to add immediate value to any organisation.

When your trainees are world-class, your business is too!

If these sound like the kind of professionals you are seeking to attract within your team, then the PwC’s Academy ACCA tuition service is the perfect opportunity for your business and its employees.


Why PwC’s Academy?

Discounted Rates

Choose PwC’s Academy as your employees’ main ALP ACCA tuition provider and benefit from substantially discounted rates.

Quarterly Reports

PwC’s Academy will provide you with a quarterly report consisting of relevant academic data indicating how your employees are doing in their studies. This will make it possible to track the learning journey of each employee taking the ACCA qualification with our Academy.

Professional Tutors

Your employees will be taught by professional tutors with vast practical experience in the accounting and financial sectors. Our tutors are constantly provided with training by our subject matter experts and they also follow training provided by ACCA Global.

Learning Environment

Your employees will be learning in an environment conducive to learning, both if they join the lectures physically in a face to face environment or live-online. Our Hub is equipped with a modern, hybrid technology system which makes it possible for individuals to have a good learning experience even when they choose to follow the course online.